dtm or dsm

WorldDEM in Brief – DTM or DSM ?

The WorldDEM Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is now commercially available for all users that need superior terrain information anywhere on the globe. The WorldDEM DTM is derived from the WorldDEM™ Digital Surface Model (DSM) product by removing vegetation and man-made objects to show the bare terrain of the Earth’s surface. 

This high-quality WorldDEM DTM provides an excellent foundation layer for applications such as civil engineering (e.g. road design, Earth work calculation), the management of natural resources as well as planning and implementation of military operations (e.g. vehicle trafficability analysis, 3D terrain visualisation).


  • Superior terrain information anywhere on Earth
  • Can be delivered based on the high-resolution WorldDEM™ for any point on the globe
  • Unrivaled accuracy: 5m (relative) / 10m (absolute) vertical accuracy in a 12m x 12m raster
  • Easy access and fast delivery

Checkout WorldDem now..


DEM Earth – Updated to Version 1.70

Version 1.70  June 3rd 2014

  •  Changed – Strato and stick to floor settings, are now on, by default.
  •  Fixed – A small, but critical error, caused coordinates projected onto DEM Earth, below sea level, to have wrong height. This showed as a field of spiked outlines(Thanks R.Feenstra)
  •  Improved – PinPoint Object, Performance.
  •  Fixed – PinPoint Object, bugs.
  •  Added – Map Loader Images – Automatic Reprojection so that images better match height for larger areas.
  •  Added – The Geocoder now automatically copies its coordinate result to the clipboard
  •  Improved – Using the paste button now resets the lat/lon offset to zero. It was a bit confusing before.

updates have been sent out to all users within the terms of their support.. Enjoy.