Standard Support Renewal
  • I do not have a DEM Earth Floating license..
  • I do not want to upgrade to a DEM Earth floating license.

+ Lowest price.

– Less Flexible (node locked)

Floating License support Renwal

Use this option if you already have, or want to have a DEM Earth floating license.. (R4.x or greater)

  • If you want to upgrade your license to floating, or retain an existing floating option, you can do that during support renewal.
  • You need a floating license to be able to remove your current Node lock, and replace it with a new one.
Upgrade to R5

dem-earth-5By default, upgrading to the latest version of DEM Earth, includes a year of support.

Support gives you : + Ticket based support. + Point Updates + Content Network Access for fast delivery of data. + Access to 5 different height data sets. + Access to the mighty Image downloader. + Access to the worldwide Poly border Database. + OSM data extracts.